If you take excellent care of your teeth but are unhappy with their aesthetic appearance, orthodontics may be the best option for you.
Perhaps you have overlapping or crooked teeth, unusual spacing, or an overbite that leaves you feeling insecure. Your dentist in Bloomington, IN, can help!
However, straight teeth are about more than appearance. An aligned smile contributes to improved oral health.
Options for Braces in Bloomington, IN
We like having options for our patients, which is why we offer both Invisalign and traditional braces in our dental office.
Invisalign is a series of custom aligners created from direct models of your teeth. Your dentist sends you home with your aligners, and you move through the series based on our schedule, usually changing your aligner every two weeks.
You visit our dental office periodically so your dentist can monitor your progress.
With Invisalign, you can remove your aligners during meals and to brush and floss your teeth. However, keeping them in for 22 hours daily is essential to orthodontic success.
Traditional Braces
Traditional braces are brackets attached to the front surfaces of teeth. We thread these brackets with guidewires that your dentist adjusts about every two weeks in our dental office.
Braces are fixed and cannot be removed for meals or teeth cleaning.
Which Option Is Right for You?
Your dentist will talk to you about the best approach to orthodontics based on an exam consultation. For example, Invisalign may be ideal for mild to moderate issues, but traditional braces are often best for severe orthodontic problems.
At your initial visit, your dentist lets you know which option will work best for you and how long you’ll be in treatment.
Contact Your Dentist for Braces in Bloomington, IN
Aligned teeth look beautiful, but they also contribute to easier brushing and flossing and less wear on teeth. Contact our dental office today to learn more or schedule your exam consultation.