Taking the initiative to straighten your teeth is an excellent decision. It not only contributes to your smile’s appearance, but it also promotes better oral health.
When your bite is aligned, you can typically count on fewer cavities and less tooth wear—provided you visit your dentist in Bloomington, IN regularly for checkups and professional teeth cleanings.
Invisalign Cost in Indiana
Straightening your teeth is an investment in the present and future of your smile. In addition, with straight teeth, you may spend less time in the dental chair down the line.
However, it isn't easy to estimate final costs without your dentist first examining your teeth and gums. In some cases, pretreatments are in order. For example, you may need an extraction if your jaw is overcrowded. Your dentist may recommend other dental services as well, including professional teeth cleaning before orthodontics.
It may also be that you only have very mild orthodontic issues and will enjoy a shorter treatment time. This also factors into the final cost.
Our dentist will not start treatment until you’re aware of the final cost, and it’s important to remember that some insurance companies have an orthodontic or extraction benefit. Our dental staff will always work hard to make sure you can utilize the whole of your dental benefits.
How Invisalign Works
Invisalign is a modern orthodontic system that utilizes clear aligners to straighten your teeth. It is far more discreet than traditional braces and ideal if you might feel insecure in metal and wires.
Candidates for Invisalign include adults who missed their window as teens or those who have suffered an orthodontic relapse after wearing braces in childhood.
Your dentist can talk to you about how to avoid orthodontic relapse. It is as simple as following your dentist’s instructions throughout treatment!
We start you with an Invisalign consultation. At this initial meeting, our dentist talks to you about your smile goals, performs an exam, and takes x-rays if needed. If you are a new patient, we may also take a health history.
If findings indicate that Invisalign is right for you, we take direct impressions of your teeth and send our results to the Invisalign lab. Invisalign then makes your aligners, and you come into our dental office to pick them up.
Typically, you wear the first aligner for two weeks before switching to the next, but your dentist will provide more specific instructions if necessary.
As you move through your aligners, you’ll notice your teeth straightening across the weeks.
Benefits of Invisalign in Bloomington, IN
There are benefits to Invisalign during therapy and after.
During treatment, discretion is a fabulous benefit. It is also nice to be able to remove your aligners to brush and floss. This allows you to hit all surfaces of your teeth without maneuvering around guidewires and brackets. This benefit is not part of traditional braces.
After treatment, the benefits include a beautiful smile and the potential for improved oral health because brushing and flossing are far more productive when teeth are aligned.
Invisalign can correct the following orthodontic issues:
- Crooked teeth
- Twisted teeth
- Overlapping teeth
- Crossbite
- Openbite
- Underbite
- Overbite
- Uneven spacing
- Midline alignment
After Invisalign treatment, your dentist provides a custom retainer taken from impressions of your mouth. This retainer should be worn during sleep to prevent orthodontic relapse.
For Invisalign Near Me, Contact Our Dental Office Today
Dr. David Compton and his team are dedicated to your smile health and beauty.
If you would like to schedule an Invisalign consultation to learn more about your final costs, contact a team member today to get started.
We proudly serve Ellettsville, Bloomington, Spencer, Stinesville, and your location.